Pledge or Donate
Thank you for considering giving to Trinity Church Electronically!
(1) If you already use online bill pay with your bank all you need to do is login to your checking account and set up a new “bill” (we know that isn’t what our gift to church is… but banks haven’t quite caught on to church language about charitable giving as of yet.) For the bill name you can write Trinity Episcopal Church and for the address you simply type in 580 Forest Ave. Portland, ME 04101. For the account number you don’t need to enter anything. Note the amount you would like to give and then, you select that your payment is a recurring payment (this would be where you say it recurs weekly or monthly). Finally you select the date you want the payment to start. That’s all you need to do.
What happens then is your bank will automatically send a check directly to Trinity via USPS and our counters will count it and note your giving on your giving record.
(2) If you do NOT already use electronic bill pay with your bank, we encourage you to consider a second giving option called Tithe.ly which can be accessed by clicking the button below. Tithe.ly is fast, easy, and secure, but it does charge a fee for transactions, which is why we encourage you to consider your free electronic banking option first.
(3) Or click here for an Online Pledge Form.
No matter how you choose to give, know that Trinity Church, the Vestry, and I are deeply thankful for your generosity and support.
May God’s blessing be with you now and always,
Peter Swarr+