Trinity parishioners notice what’s needed in the community, and we act on what we see.
Laundry Love is held on the
2nd Wed of each month from 1-5 pm.
Next date: Mar 12, 2025
Location: Wash Tub II - Forest Ave Plaza, Portland.
See the great article about Laundry Love in the Press Herald.
Also watch this testimonial and this one.
Trinity pays washing/drying costs for all customers for the afternoon!
Under the direction of Deacon Heather Sylvester, Laundry Love is a successful event held each month at Wash Tub II, near CVS on Forest Avenue. A Volunteer sign-up sheet can be found on the hallway’s bulletin board.
PROJECT FEED: Project FEED is probably the oldest project in which Trinity has participated as an outreach. A non-profit, Project FEED was founded in 1975 by a group of clergy (including from Trinity) and lay-people concerned with the growing number of Portland residents who were without a reliable source of food in emergencies. We send goods to Project FEED on a regular basis as they are collected at the church. In addition, for about 15 years, Trinity has participated in the annual “Souper Bowl Sunday,” held on the day of the Super Bowl. Trinity has always had members who volunteer at the depot and Project FEED is supported as well with an annual gift of funding.
Trinity Youth and Service Corp: Connection to the community, and particularly to those in need, is a priority for the children and youth at Trinity. Every year, Trinity Church School selects a group in the community or the world, and commits to supporting them. Over the past several years we have worked with the Park Danforth Assisted Living Center, Preble Street Resource Center and Ronald McDonald House of Portland. Our kids have done everything from singing carols at a nursing home to collecting hats and mittens, making Christmas decorations, and making a dinner to feed 20. In addition to our year-long initiatives, the Church School regularly makes cards and treats for the homebound members of our congregation.
St. Elizabeth’s Jubilee Center: Trinity is part of a group that provides a welcoming program of distribution of non-food essentials. These include diapers, soap, toilet paper, hygiene products, laundry detergent, winter coats and basic household items. Begun in 2001 and recognized as a Jubilee Center, the Pantry is a joint effort of eight Episcopal churches, some public schools, and the Diocese of Maine. We serve about 200 people each week, many of whom are immigrants and refugees. In recent years, Trinity has helped supply long underwear for the annual long underwear handout in January to neighbors experiencing their first Maine winter! Trinity has a one member on the regular weekly staff and she also sits on the board of directors. St. Elizabeth's is a recipient of annual funding from Trinity.
Public Labyrinth Walks: Walking the labyrinth provides an opportunity for silent prayer and contemplation. Trinity offers public walks during public school year. Come prepared to take your shoes off, and to be with God in your own way. Find Labyrinth walk dates in the Worship / Month’s Activities page.
MAINE NEEDS is a grassroots organization, powered by a growing collective of volunteers. We strive to help individuals and families in Maine meet their basic, material needs by providing donated clothing, hygiene products, household items, and other necessities. We focus our work on those starting life over from scratch: domestic abuse survivors, asylum seekers and those facing financial hardships. We partner with schools, caseworkers, nurses and nonprofits to provide these material resources.
We are a 501c3 and operate a free community donation center.
Ship to address:
Maine Needs, 332 Forest Avenue, Portland Maine 04101
Mailing address for checks:
Maine Needs, P.O Box 4174, Portland Maine 04101
Independent Seniors Network - Portland Area Villages: A community of seniors supporting each other as they age in their own homes.
Welcoming the Stranger.
Greater Portland Family Promise: Trinity people are a part of this program, working with other faith communities to provide support for families in need. Greater Portland Family Promise, an affiliate of the national Family Promise program, aims to address the needs of families facing homelessness in Greater Portland. Family Promise is a recipient of annual funding from Trinity.
Partners for World Health: Trinity invited the founder of this remarkable and unique organization to be our celebrated speaker at the 2019 Butterfield Series event. This organization collects medical supplies that would go to waste and ships literally tons of such supplies to impoverished Third World nations around the world. Trinity supports this non-profit with outreach funding.
Root Cellar: Located at 94 Washington Avenue, the Root Cellar has been “committed to loving the residents of Maine’s most impoverished neighborhoods.” A team of volunteers goes to the Root Cellar and prepares, serves and cleans up. We often have the joy of sitting with children and sharing the meal.
Preble Street Resource Center: We have been involved at the center for about 18 years, more recently we help the center through an annual “Sock it to ‘EM!”Sock collection, taking socks for the neighbors who use the Resource Center. In 2021, at the request of Preble Street, we “socked it to ‘em” with underwear, boxers and briefs. It was a joy to be able to fulfill this sudden need.